Thursday, October 28, 2010

4:00pm plum tartin

Serious Eats recently declared Ceci Cela's croissants the BEST. Bold statement but I'm inclined to agree. It could be I'm biased, they are, after all, my neighborhood bakery and I stop by almost every day for a delicious croissant. But as I told our office mates: Out of 10 croissants, on average, I might have 1 or 2 meh ones, 5-7 pretty good ones and 2-3 really fantastic ones. That's pretty good odds. I'm a fan.
And speaking of fans, please look at this awesome photo sent to us by newly reconnected reader. It made us laugh and laugh. Awesome.
Ceci Cela Patisserie, 55 Spring St, NY, NY 10012 (btwn Lafayette and Mulberry)

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