Thursday, June 9, 2011

4:58 Tim Tam from Steven via Australia

06-09 tim tams
I don't know from whom or when I found out about Tim Tams.  If you're not familiar with them - I don't think I'd be exaggerating to call it Australia's favorite cookie, a cookie which most Ozzies hold dear to their hearts and long for when they are far away from home.  They are absolutely delicious, and the flavors are more delicate and refined than something you'd expect from a mass produced snack.  So I was absolutely ecstatic when Steven told me he brought some back for me on his recent trip home.  Of course they can be found here, but they are sold at such a ridiculous mark up, I can't get myself psyched up enough to want it, and I'd be heartbroken if it were stale.  


Lizzi said...

Make sure you implement the Tim Tam Slam!!!

If you guys ever want a cookie/snack swap, just say the word... I'll hook you up with ALL the flavours of Tim Tams... ;)

Front Studio said...

Wow thanks Lizzi!!!