Tuesday, November 8, 2011

4:30pm pistachio financier

11-08 financier
When the cashier at Balthazar said $5.75 for this pistachio financier, I gasped out loud. What insanity! Even if this pistachio financier was the best, most amazing, pistachio financier on the face of the earth, would it ever be worth $5.75? M. even went back in to see if perhaps they had misquoted us, mistaken the financier for a fancy layer cake. No such thing, through the window I could see the woman mouthing $5.75 to M. Now, as we have eaten this $5.75 financier and licked all the expensive crumbs off the plate, I can tell you that it is a very good financier. It's super dense with a bit of a lovely crust. But at its very best, probably still only worth a shade over $4.
Balthazar Bakery, 80 Spring St, NY, NY 10012 (near Crosby)

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