Tuesday, April 29, 2008

4:00pm chocolate dipped madeleine

04-29 chocolate madeleine
We've been getting so many nice comments from everyone that it seemed only right to clean up LUNCH a little. So we spent a little time today cleaning up the side bar, adding a search engine, organizing the labels into categories, etc. Hopefully it makes finding your particular craving of the day a little easier.
Oro Bakery, 375 Broome Street btwn Mulberry and Mott


Anonymous said...

ya'll have the best lifestyle -- love your lunch philosophy and all of your tasty pics! i want to move to NYC just so i can EAT well...though, i'd need to get serious about heading to the gym on a daily basis if that were the case. i think it's a win/win! love the blog - keep it up! -e-

aa said...

That looks so tasty, looking at your pics make me so hungry. I don't think I've seen photography of food so appetizing. Gotta stop, this might become an addiction.

100 Thoughts of Love said...

beautiful photo! I love this blog, I always thought there was something wrong with me that I love to see photos of peoples food. I also like bloggers to show photos of their homes and rooms; so if you get bored :)

Shmuel said...

so freeken yummmmmy
where can I get this stuff in los angeles?

Wei-Shin said...

Wow, each photo was well taken. I would like to learn the lighting and marco techniques. Also, I much like your new way to organize every kind of food.

Anonymous said...

As Rachael Ray would say, Yum-O

And thumbs up on the organizing!

Christopher Wilde said...

Wow, I really love your website. Great pictures! Now I know where to go when I need to inspire and appetite.

Anonymous said...

mouth watering dishes

Carolyn said...

Congrats on being a Blog of Note. Great Concept and Pics.

Anonymous said...

Not too sure if it was just me or not, but the SoHo category wasn't working in the Lunch by Location section on the side rail...

Anonymous said...

next time I'm in NYC, can I come to lunch w/ you? in fact...I'm heading there next week.... :-)

Front Studio said...

Michael: thanks for the heads up, it's all fixed now

Erin: we're always up for lunch, give us a holler when you're around lunch(at)frontstudio(dot)com