Friday, June 24, 2011

5:15pm vanilla "Roanne"

06-24 vanilla roanne
I'm having one of those days, I just can't get around to the work I need to as I keep getting interrupted.  I'm starting to get stressed out when I should be getting ready to decompress for the weekend.  I was definitely getting ready to stress out about what I was going to have for dessert, when I remembered I had brought these into the office, knowing that I would need them for such a day as today.  These are Japanese junk food, but they are surprisingly delicate, a paper thin crispy wafer with an equally thin, almost undetectable, layer of vanilla cream.  I don't know where the "Roanne" comes from, it's apparently a town in France.  I think the residents there would be happy to know there is such a delicious Japanese cookie named after their town.

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