Monday, June 27, 2011

Pret a Manger and Bryant Park

06-27 Pret a Manger
I'm having one of those days, where I've been wanting to go to the bathroom since 5 hours ago, but somehow haven't found a minute, because I literally need to be doing something at that minute every minute.  So about 30 minutes ago, I was finally able to relive my bladder, which is something I wanted to do prior to lunch when I found myself walking across 42nd street east to west, from my accountant to my job site, and was pulled in to the allure of all the trees, table and chairs at Bryant Park.  I'd actually never had the chance to eat there for lunch.  I really was in quite a bit of a hurry, but grabbed one of my favorite sandwiches from the Pret a Manger across the street and sat myself down amongst the plentiful urban lunchers and practically swallowed the sandwich whole.  Despite the lovely surroundings, it didn't taste as good as usual.  Can't tell if it was me, or the sandwich.
Pret a Manger, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036 (btwn 5th and 6th)

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